We are Himalayan Apples. We match Indian apple growers with high tech agricultural companies and impact investors. Together, we create world-class farmer-owned companies. Join us!
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Our Establishment

ShriJagdambaSamiti was established in 1991 in the Himalayan valley of Bhilangana, district TehriGarhwal. It started with a voluntary group of economists, management experts, social scientist, villagers and participatory development specialists to work for the locally available resource management and their utilization.

Go to Our Objectives

Our Objectives

To form the group of different people, who have knowledge about the locally available re.sources in different working areas of the organization, to motivate and mobilize community members to identify their problems and needs on their own and to make people aware about the indigenous & Eco-friendly technologies.

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Our Community

We believe in working for the community .with the community the organization strongly believes in involving the people in getting sensitized towards their own problems and to find out the alternative solution on their own. This participatory approach has been adopted at all levels in the organizational structure.